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LiveSwitch Blog & News

The pace of live streaming software and technology development is accelerating relentlessly. Read more on our blog to hear some of our customers' stories and see where the future of this industry is headed.

Real-Time Meeting Data Collection with LiveSwitch

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Face Detection with LiveSwitch

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more mainstream. As this technology grows into people’s everyday lives, it is important to understand how you can use it in your..

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WebRTC Mutate Local Video with Canvas

In this blog post, we'll explore how to utilize the Canvas feature to transform your local video. LiveSwitch's SDK provides the capability to perform various video transformations..

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WebRTC Remote Streams before Decoder: Extract Timestamp

In this article, we will guide you through the process of modifying incoming remote video streams before displaying them, using the powerful LiveSwitch SDK. LiveSwitch's SDK..

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WebRTC Streams before Encoder: Transform to Black and White

In this blog post, I will be walking you through how to transform your local video before sending it. LiveSwitch’s SDK gives you access to perform video transformations at a..

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LiveSwitch Offers Complimentary Access to Its Communication Platform for Inmates to Entrepreneurs Graduates

Raleigh, NC, November 9, 2023 — LiveSwitch, a leading provider of innovative communication solutions, is pleased to announce a partnership with Inmates to Entrepreneurs, a..

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Controlling Microphone and Camera In-Use Indicators When Muting

LiveSwitch is a powerful WebRTC platform that allows developers to create real-time communication applications. The LiveSwitch Build SDK provides a robust foundation for building..

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Video Calls with LiveSwitch Background Blur

In the world of video conferencing and virtual communication, creating a visually appealing and professional environment is essential. With the LiveSwitch background blur..

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Whiteboarding with LiveSwitch

In this article, we provide a detailed guide on creating an interactive whiteboard that supports multiple users at the same time. Using LiveSwitch, we can utilize a simple..

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Screen Share with Microphone in WebRTC and LiveSwitch

Learn how to leverage LiveSwitch's JavaScript SDK to initiate a user with both screen sharing and microphone capabilities. This blog post provides a walkthrough of the process,..

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